{PLF pants, landmark skirt used as tube, parisian flats}

Like I said here, I wasn't really feeling 100% last week - even during the Supersale Bazaar. Come Sunday though, I was feeling so much better and even found myself in a hyperactive mood.. the pictures above should prove it, haha Got my blog title from a song the booth behind us played. Didn't really catch the lyrics then coz the bazaar's music was also blasting but I found the melody nice that I just had to kapal-up and ask what it was. I'm glad I did coz it's turning out to be one of my current favorite songs. :) 

So hello there, How are you? Amazing. It's nice to finally meet you, Been patiently waiting, been waiting just to see you, to tell you I dreamed you, now I found you so call off the search cause I found my stranger.
- Stranger by Chris August ♬

Positive vibes this beautiful blessing-filled Tuesday!

PS- have you joined my giveaway yet? Favorite things including a PLF outfit and Forever 21 giftcard here. :)
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