Any plans this Sunday? No? Well it must be because you haven't heard about Platform. This Sunday, everyone will be flocking Ronac Art Center for Platform - Manila's first ever youth culture convention. It's a first of its kind so you definitely wouldn't want to miss out! Also, our brand, PeaceLoveFashion has a booth there! So, go, support, support! Besides, I'm pretty sure our un-internet-released summer collection will blow you away. ;) (magbuhat ng sariling bangko, much?! hahaha) Here are some more details:

40 booths, a central blogger and guest lounge, a DJ booth and stage. Live music, art, and energy. The Platform event becomes kilometer zero for the day as the country's youngest and most dynamic designers, creators, and entrepreneurs exercise their style, networking, sales, and marketing skills. The event aims to be the youth's first "grown up" culture convention, as well as an opportunity for the market to understand the scope of what kids today are capable of.

Selling opportunities, as well as a literal screen and stage, a well curated crowd, and an energy hub become the key elements to harnessing the explosive potential of our young, creative, global Philippines.

In short, PLATFORM is Manila's First Youth Culture Convention! Happening on March 18, 2012, SUNDAY, at The Playground, Ronac Art Center, Ortigas Ave - it's something you definitely shouldn't miss!


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