Yay, new blog segment! I'm sure most of you are familiar with this format, but for those who aren't, every week I'd be sharing with you what I'm currently *insert verb here*. It'd be a great venue for me to post recommendations and for you to give me suggestions. Win-win, right? So without further ado, I bring you Currently No. 01 -
I finished All the Light We Cannot See
this post, harhar. Instead of posting this every Sunday like most normal people, I thought I'd do it mid-week. Just to shake things up and get me in the groove of blogging more consistently.
Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune. It played several times in All The Light We Cannot See and I just had to listen to it too.
About wars. About how our generation is lucky to not have experienced a world war, or any war in general. *touch wood* About how war still exists in other parts of the world. About how we, humans, never learned from history and previous wars.
proud of my revamped blog. :) I edited the layout, added codes, fixed bugs within the codes, etc etc. I can't stop looking at it now, it's my baby! ♥
the Thai Milk Tea my colleague just brewed. Yum yum yum!
to book my next great adventure. It's more than wanderlust, this desire. It's wanting to plant myself in an environment that nourishes and allows the kind of person I am to thrive.
to get back to work. Lunch break's almost over!
for that much needed clarity and the courage to push through.
What about you, guys? How's your week going? Any book or song recommendations? Feel free to share below!
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