Currently No. 13:-
It Starts With Passion by Keith Abraham, a book I borrowed from the library. How cool is it to have a well stocked public library!??! I regret not taking advantage of Singapore's libraries. Andddd I hope that one day, the Philippines will also have public libraries available.
Blog posts, and more blog posts hopefully. I want to clear my backlog (how many times have I said that?!) and I don't really have an excuse since I'm y'know, on a break.
This all-star Carpool Karaoke. I also said "Awww!" when the first notes of Seasons of Love came and I had shivers when they were singing One Day More. I love musicals!!! Even more when the have a super powerful cast. :) Andddd, I wanna catch Hamilton!
This all-star Carpool Karaoke. I also said "Awww!" when the first notes of Seasons of Love came and I had shivers when they were singing One Day More. I love musicals!!! Even more when the have a super powerful cast. :) Andddd, I wanna catch Hamilton!
That the easiest way for an ISTJ and ENFP to clash is PACKING. Luke and I have been bumping heads every single time we try to pack my things up. Good thing it's already 98% done! And I have to hand it to him, he really made the process faster (albeit the drill sergeant persona).
Bittersweet! I'm leaving Singapore on Friday and as much as I know that Singapore and I don't really match, I'll miss this place and the convenience and the people who've made it painful to leave.
The ultimate date night I had just now.
Shopping, a yummy steak dinner, and a musical. Best part? Sharing it with someone whom my random self can have a good laugh and fantastic conversation with.

To figure everything out. Pronto. But, in the words immortalized by The Hills: "Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten." So, yes, I want to live fully and make this count even as unsure as I am at the moment.
To practice walking in heels. 4 years mostly in flats and my high heels skills have took a dive. Hopefully, it's just like riding a bike? Hehe!
That I could teleport. More trips around the world and just so I'd be sure that the upcoming LDR is going to be easy. WhoamyGod.
Hope your week is going great! Tomorrow will be my last full day in Singapore, so surreal! Any suggestions/requests on what to do? :)
And oh, cocktail above is from my visit to Lime House.
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Hope your week is going great! Tomorrow will be my last full day in Singapore, so surreal! Any suggestions/requests on what to do? :)
And oh, cocktail above is from my visit to Lime House.

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