Day 3 of being unemployed, and I am actually feeling productive. Have been cooking meals, have done batches of laundry (and tidied up!), and my boxes have just arrived which means I should be packing soon. I am hoping my productivity streak will flow over into packing because to be honest, looking at these 2 empty boxes and then the rest of my room and then back at the boxes, is VERY daunting. You mean to say I need to pack all these into that?! I mean, I can get more boxes should the need arise, but just the thought of physically stuffing everything from my 4 years here is already draining me out. Hence, my afternoon break of Matcha Tea Latte while blogging. This Tea Latte is good but I think the ultimate morning, afternoon, evening, treat in general, is hot chocolate. And Le chocolat chaud à l’ancienne dit «l’Africain» from Angelina tops my list.
Okie, first thing's first - this isn't for everyone. It's very thick and rich and chocolatey and not everyone is gonna love it. I went to Angelina in the Capitol Piazza here in Singapore and my mom and boyfriend said it was good but it was TOO MUCH. To which I replied, what do you mean too much?! And then proceeded to pour myself more servings, hahaha! We also ordered a cheese platter, because chocolate and cheese? Why not?! It was a very chill afternoon in this French favorite.
Angelina is located at 15 Stamford Rd, 01-82, Singapore 048616
Side note- Please, please, pleeeease take me back to France 

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