Yep, you saw it right. I'm wearing glasses. I have been using these Owndays PC glasses ever since our company upgraded the computers. From a 12" laptop, we're now starring at 20" desktops which can be pretty glaring. This particular pair reduces stress on your eyes by cutting brightness and glares of displays and protects it from blue light "which is believed to lead to eye strain, headaches, and other such symptoms". I'm not really sure about the technicalities of these specs, but it has made my big ass screen bearable. I find wearing it has helped to ease my eyes which is something I value especially after finding out my right eye is no longer perfect. :( I'm taking steps in ensuring it doesn't get any worse so these PC glasses have been my life saver. Besides, I think they're actually quite cute. It gives an instant "Super-Hero's-Lady-Love" vibe to any outfit a.k.a: the Felicity Smoak effect. Seriously bro, The Flash, The Arrow, and Atom slash ex-Superman?! *slow clap* Goes to show how the "cool girl" has evolved. Remember high school when geeks were the anti-cool? In the real (and comic book) world, "cool" is whoever shamelessly chases their passions and stays true to themselves - no smoke and mirrors needed. So here's to whatever lights you up like a Christmas tree ;)

// wearing: dress used as top from Montifs, skirt from Forever 21, flats from Rubi, Marc by Marc Jacobs watch from* Lazada //

PS: Have you joined my Lazada SG giveaway yet? Giving out 3 x $20 vouchers here:


  1. Hey!
    I love your specs. Take good care of your eyes.
    Would you like to follow my blog via GFC? ^-^ x

    Lots of love
    Farah -

  2. You look so cute. Glasses are definitely a new & cool accessory these days. :]

    // ▲ ▲

  3. I've had to wear glasses my whole life, it's not so bad :) sometimes I alternate with contact lenses, but I can't wear them for long periods as they start to irritate my eyes. Glasses are cute!


    1. Thanks! I guess I was just shocked, but after that, I did notice my right eye is quite blurry. It would be fun to choose frames! :)

  4. amazing outfit dear! gorgeous look! ;)

    Check it out my new
    Big Hug.

  5. You look beautiful! I really need to get my eyes tested again (I haven't for at least a few years), i'm without a doubt struggling to see more then usual and I think glasses/contacts are very much needed. xx

    1. You should! Better to correct it before it gets worse! Hope everything goes well! :)


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