{wearing: loyang point top, pull&bear jeans, topshop pumps}
Shortly after writing Of Comfort and Happiness, I stumbled upon this LifeBuzz article where Mike Rowe said that happiness "comes from knowing what you truly value, and behaving in a way that’s consistent with those beliefs". This well-stated line was quickly assimilated to my definition of happiness. Yes, I still equate happiness with contentment, but where does contentment come from other than from knowing what you value and making sure you're surrounded by it? Contentment is being perfectly fine with what you have (or will have!) and what you don't have. This is sweating the "small stuff" and fighting tooth and nail for the "big things". What's small and what's big is ultimately up to you. This isn't to say contentment is a stagnant state, or that happy people are just happy period. I believe happy people are those who choose to live happily day in and day out and this is only achieved once you find purpose - be it in your job, your role, and even your relationships. Coz let's admit it, shit happens. But what are you gonna do? Are you gonna wallow, adjust, or reroute? Happy people just basically choose the path that would bring them closer to their ideal situation and that normally entails seeing the bright side and getting back up the horse. But does this make happiness selfish coz it's very much "me-centric"? On the contrary. Happiness is something that cannot and should not be contained. It seeps through our being. Being happy only generates more happiness. How many times has your mood lightened up when you were surrounded by positive people? Aren't you more productive when you're in a good mood as compared to when you're wallowing about how life sucks thus making you feel 100x more unfocused? A sunny disposition is always contagious. So reach for your happiness! Figure out what it is you truly value and behave in a way consistent with those beliefs. Believe me, it's not selfish. Unless your happiness lies in enslaving humanity.
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