Luke and I flew direct on British Airways from Changi to Heathrow. If you're flying on BA, always remember to check Business Life. It's a publication by BA, but it's not always readily available in your seat pockets. The first time I read it, it was, but subsequently, you have to get it from the shelf or ask a copy from the flight attendant. It's always a good read.

Hello, Heathrow!! We arrived around 5:30 am and it was so nice to step out of the airport and just feel the rush of cold air. We were definitely not in Singapore anymore. It was a much welcomed crisp chill (although soon enough, we hurried back in to arrange our train for the city).
This is the Heathrow Express on its way to Paddington Station. The Heathrow Express can get a bit tricky. Ask, ask, ask It's also probably best if you ask people who work there rather than random travelers who may give out the wrong info.
Luke probably wondering why someone would like to take pictures at this ungodly hour after taking a long ass flight. He may or may not be also judging me at this point.

Mood when this picture was taken: Yay, I'm in London!!! I'm finally gonna be able to explore it properly!!! I'm so tired but whatever, I'm in Londonnnn!
Candy coloured clouds during dawn at Notting Hill. NOTTING HILL!!!
The door to our Notting Hill Airbnb apartment aka: our home for the next 8 days. The moment I saw this flat on Airbnb, I fell in love with it. It had 3 flights of stairs but it was worth it. Remember my apartment daydreams? This falls right into it.
Before I show you the flat though, let's talk about this very British view - CHIMNEYS!!! Ughhhh, how so very non-Asia! HAHA!
Living Room
Sitting Area
All white bathroom are the best!
Bedroom 1
Shortly after arriving, we decided to venture off because I wanted to correct my body clock (spoiler alert - I had jet lag until halfway through the trip). Our plan? Walk around the neighbourhood and head to Portobello Market
Passed by this beautiful church
and this row of charming houses
and then Portobello market!!!
fresh flowers
and foooood!!!
Ang taba ko sa picture na to (I really was fat to be honest, hahah!) but I'm posting it because of the sheer happiness on my face
Nom nom nom - it really was a good sandwich. My first meal for this trip, haha!
Check out the crowd!!! And Luke and I seem to be going the opposite direction, hahah
These houses are so pretty! But it must be a pain having so much pedestrian traffic on weekends.
We then made our way towards Oxford / Bond Street. An area I distinctly remembered from our previous London trip as Ingrid mentioned it was one of her fav areas.

For our first lunch, we went to Ponti's coz it was nearby and I didn't really do proper research beforehand on where to eat - a task I am now OC on when traveling. Hehe!

Burratina Pugliese - yummy burrata and cherry tomatoes
Ravioli Piacentini - spinach and ricotta ravioli with sage butter sauce - YUMMMMM!!
Ponti's Burger
Another thing about Ponti's is that it's so cozy and charming and the restaurant's design warmth is just perfect for winter.
Starbucks, hehehe!
All smiles from our chill walk
For dinner, we went to the Lebanese restaurant just near our place. It took us less than 10 minutes to walk there.
Hummus and Tabouleh
So, that was our first day in London! Seems jam-packed but it was chill and we had time to nap too. Hehe! That's winter pala noh, it was my first winter so it was a bit disconcerting to be wrapped in darkness at around 3pm. I also came well prepared in terms of clothing as compared to my last visit. Guys, UNIQLO is the way to go. And also, Qoo10 for lined pants. Inexpensive, pa!
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