Aghhh!! The weekend is coming to a close.

Obviously, I don't want it to be over, but I'm so happy to have had a productive one. I was able to check out all the things I mentioned
here and then some.

OMG, sorry guys, I wanna be an overkill and use this emoji some more,

HAHA Anyway, it was an eye opening one to say the least. So much realizations, both wanted and not. Some things were sooo blindsiding that it was hard to swallow, but hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? I just wish we could've avoided the stab altogether. But anyway, not all realizations were bad. Some were things I needed to hear and be reminded of. But the most important is,
you start by starting. And that Harvey Specter is the hottest TV character. Although as good looking as he is, I'd probably hate him in real life. I really can't remember why I stopped watching this show! Now I can't stop. But I probably should coz tomorrow's Monday and I really need to start by starting a bunch of things.
What about you? How was your weekend? Anything you're looking forward to this week?
And, yes! I had a haircut last week. This is how my hair looks like now.

Although I'm pretty sure my blog will still confuse you because of my backlog and how photos aren't really posted chronologically.

I am working on it, I promise.
{Cotton On tank and shorts, Rubi flats, Atmosphere bag}
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