I've been pretty bummed about what I feel was uncalled for nitpicking when someone I looked up to advised me to shrug it off and just take it like the wind. I got so used to being told that "if you have nothing good to say, or nothing productive to add, keep your mouth shut" and I guess, I was expecting the whole world worked on this principle. The advice came with an explanation to not let something insignificant affect me so much. Just let it in on the right ear and let it out on the left or something like that. I know I shouldn't have let it bother me - normally it doesn't - but it gets really frustrating when everyone just talks and talks at you, one over the other, in loud aggressive tones. And as immaterial as these words are, there is such a thing as strong winds. Storms and typhoons that devastate and hurt and it was exactly that for me during the moment - I felt like I was drowning in criticism and negativity that I had to literally take a step out to breathe. But what I learned is that as much as the wind can sometimes overpower you and render you off-balance, it passes. Importantly, you let it go.

Hope your November was well and you have an amazing December ahead!♥︎


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