I know, I know, I'm getting cornier by the moment. I'm just finding a variation for "what's up" and combining it with the day of the week as title. I'm even going to "sup?" levels, haha! In my defense, it really is the easiest way to put together a hodgepodge of things that happened. So, let me distract you with a super smiley selfie coz I'm sticking with the title.
I've finished three books this week. Not only did I get them discounted (thank you Lord for MPH/Times/Kinokuniya cards!), the real win is how each of these books were really good and moving. In case you're wondering, it's FH Batacan's Smaller and Smaller Circles
I've also started a "splinter" blog. It's actually more of a journal for private consumption that delves into my daily thoughts and emotions. I decided to keep it separate because I wanted the deep (and sometimes darker) musings to have a space of its own, somewhere free from preconceived notions from myself and others, and LiveJournal doesn't offer the same amount of customization. So yes. It's called I'm Okay, hehe I'll still keep this one coz where else would I post my food trips and whatnot? :)
Speaking of food trips, I've finally got to try Gordon Ramsay's first restaurant in Singapore: Bread Street Kitchen. It was good but with the name Gordon Ramsay attached, you just can't help but to expect fireworks and confetti. I'll post a proper foodie post here, so watch out for it!
We tried it out before catching Saturday Night Fever whose cast was mostly Filipinos. It's based on the movie of the same name, featuring John Travolta and the songs of BeeGees. Needless to say, it really gave us the dancing mood. Burn, baby, burn, disco inferno! Then it got me thinking that should there be any musical about our generation, or at least this current period, it should feature Maroon 5 songs. What do you think??
For a time, I started to not like Adam Levine because he seemed more "hollywood" than singer. Don't get me wrong, I've always been a Maroon 5 fan and I've always loved Adam, but yes, I had an "ugh Adam" phase. But then I saw him sing Tiny Dancer and all is well in the world again.
I mean, obviously, not everything in the world is well. Can we talk about the devastation in Syria and the plight of the Syrian people? The numbers are really heartbreaking as it is, but if you add a face to even just one or two, it makes it 1,000,000 times worse! Check out Humans of New York if you haven't yet. Start out with this one and find yourself questioning humanity.
But thankfully, there's little things, such as attending my manager's daughter's first month celebration (baby R is such a precious cutie!), X Factor UK, and Pope Francis. Fake (but funny!) video aside, our Pope is just a bundle of joy and light. It's truly a blessing and an honor to be led by him. ♥︎
So, that was my week. How about you? How you doin'? ;)
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