My then boss was vehement that we should stay in Windsor. Of course, me being me, I just brushed it off, because London. Upon arriving in this town though, I realized that maybe I should’ve given it more thought and spent a night or two. It was so quaint and charming!! I loved the over all vibe of the place. It felt warm and personal, yet still bustling. Maybe the Christmas feeling also helped? Ughh, it really is the most beautiful time of the year. ❤️ We spent most of our time in Windsor Castle (the Queen even arrived when we were there!) and those several blocks between it and the train station. Let me share with you my visual diary from that day trip.

Getting There and Arriving

We took the train from Paddington, switched at Slough, then arrived at Windsor & Eton Central. I actually considered booking a tour, but there really is no need coz it’s very easy to navigate. Again, if you have time, I suggest booking a night or two in Windsor just to soak up its charm.

Windsor Castle

Definitely worth a visit! Walking inside the palace got me daydreaming of the day when I’d be invited to an actual function, coz it was SO nice! Especially the Crimson Room where the Queen normally hands presents to her staff, and the Dining halls, oh my God. I want to be a princess! Haha! No pictures inside (though you can google it) but if you’re visiting, I suggest you don’t so you’ll be wonderfully surprised by it. 🙂 Be sure to drop by St. George’s Chapel to check out the arms and banners of the knights of the Order of the Garter, and the Horseshoe Cloister for Tudor awesomeness.

Speaking of the Queen…

She was declared the longest reigning British monarch in September 2015 so there was a photo exhibit in the grounds. She’s so classy and glamorous and really regal! Duh, Reg, she’s the QUEEN. She seems like such a lovely lady. #PEG Check out A Royal Night Out for some real life inspired Princess Diaries type of movie.

December 10, 2015


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