This morning I woke up bracing myself for the worst. I psyched myself to shrug it off because the possibility of having back to back bad days wasn’t probable.

Guess the odds weren’t in my favor.

A Filipina working in Oman came home in a casket. A dictator is called a hero. Global warming is melting the icecaps, drowning polar bears and much of our coastlines. There has been a surge in extrajudicial killings. Glass ceilings are still in place. Toblerone altered its shape. The world’s #1 economy has elected a president that has hinted on changing life as we know it (not trying to exaggerate for theatrics but much of the world we’ve experienced, especially for those in my generation, has been driven by globalization). But for the most of today, and yesterday, it seemed so far away.

Being engulfed in my own problems, which were ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compared to everything else, my periphery narrowed. I knew there were far greater hurdles, but it didn’t matter then and there; I saw mine as apocalyptic. And for a while there, I felt like there was no use trying as I had no control over the situation. But I’m glad I didn’t give up, that we didn’t give up. It’s amazing how perspective shapes our reality; even more astonishing is how logic bends to it at times. As new-age as it sounds, we do have power over the universe; maybe not on how it acts, but definitely on how we react to it.

This evening, I lie in bed, exhausted yet thankful for the day that was. I realize that it wasn’t “bad” per se. It was stressful and extremely fattening challenging, yes. But it was also filled with luck and little miracles (#blessed). Instead of the difficulties faced, what actually strikes me as I look back on today are the vitality of teamwork, the potency of faith, and how every little detail – no matter how seemingly insignificant – eventually falls into place in the grander scheme of things.

It’s all a matter of perspective; we always find what we are looking for.

So, here’s hoping for a better tomorrow… at work and worldwide. TGIF!


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