– How everyone is carrying their OWN LOAD and just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.
– How TALKING is crucial and how LISTENING is just as important. But ultimately, it boils to UNDERSTANDING each other.
– How someone giving up TRYING TO EXPLAIN or to understand pretty much signals the end.
How negative emotions are OKAY, NORMAL, and ACCEPTED. You are allowed to be happy just as much as you are allowed to feel hurt. It is WHAT YOU DO WITH IT that will define you.
– How sometimes you have to FIND YOUR OWN SILVER LINING.
– How life is as much about YOU TAKING CHANCES as it is about PEOPLE TAKING A CHANCE ON YOU.
– How BLESSED I’ve been to be allowed CHANCES – breaks, second chances, and learning curves.
– How even if there are aspects of my life I wish I could change, I am still VERY MUCH LUCKY.
– How I have to take the GOOD WITH THE BAD, coz nothing’s perfect but it’s worth it.
– How I should also be KINDER, MORE CONSIDERATE, and MORE PATIENT, towards others and basically how I should RECIPROCATE LIFE’S KINDNESS AND GENEROSITY.
Because if there’s anything this month has taught me is that LIFE IS FRAGILE. You are not guaranteed tomorrow, heck, you’re not even guaranteed the next hour. So live the life that makes you feel good about living – and if you can make it so that living your life makes others feel good about living theirs, then all the more better.
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