Sometimes I feel the fear of the uncertainty stinging clear
And I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer
It's driven me before, and it seems to have a vague haunting mass appeal
Lately I'm beginning to find that I should be the one behind the wheel
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes, yeah
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there, I'll be there
- Drive by Incubus ♬
As tempted as I am to leave it at just that, I feel like I owe it to this blog to explain. Okay, no, one of my resolutions is to stop feeling the need to explain myself every single time because that usually leads to me shutting up coz I am such an annoying people-pleaser and I'm scared of hurting anybody's feelings. But as what I've read before, the world is so diverse now that it's impossible to not offend anyone so you might as well speak your mind. Anyway, I've digressed. The point is, I don't owe anyone an explanation but as always, writing/typing things down helps me streamline my thoughts and it's often where I reach my aha! moment. And truth is, I just like writing, hehe! 

So, I finally took that crazy leap. What makes it crazier is that I did it unsure of where I will be landing. I have an idea, a deep yearning actually, of where I want to be next but it's currently up in the air. I had hoped it would go smoothly in my favor but so far, I've been encountering bumps that instead of making me throw in the towel and question if I deserve it in the first place, have made me want to fight for it even more. That's the thing, without a safety net, you're full on beast mode to cling for survival. It's up in the air for now but God, I hope AUP falls into place.
Nervous as I am and as much as I don't want to entertain "if not thoughts" right now, I am ready for whatever tomorrow will bring. I know for a fact that God's will and timing is perfect - even if it sucks at the moment. I just hope and pray and omg, please send me positive vibes that I get it.
So, yes,

I wish that you, too, get whatever your heart is aching for. Or at least what your tummy is craving for, it's almost dinner time. 

{Zara top, H&M pants, Havaianas -> I haven't gotten over wearing flipflops, #sorrynotsorry}
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