Half-way into my Japan trip, it hit me, the reason I love to travel. Travel reminds me of MORE. Meeting new people and hearing their stories, experiencing cooler climates and feeling more "me" than the water downed version that I've been portraying, and just effin' living instead of going through the motions is a welcome nudge to remind me not to settle for a life less than what I want and less than what I can aim for. Sure, these realizations can also hit you in your normal day to day life, it's a matter of perspective after all; but actually experiencing for yourself the difference and seeing for yourself firsthand that it is possible, that it's not too late, that you're not too old to go after your "foolish dreams", does wonders for your soul.
I guess personally, I've been in an unstable place where I've always known what I wanted to do but I always end up second guessing myself, prioritizing other people's opinions and interests before my own. It hasn't really been working well for me. I keep finding myself in the same place that I was in a couple of years back, and it's not pretty. I've been feeling less and less like me and I end up hating myself for not taking the chance early on and for listening to other people when I know in my heart that I should at least try. Being told I am being stubborn or unrealistic teaches me to question my dreams and it scares me that one day I'll end up regretting every decision and being part of the statistic of those who wished they lived the life they wanted, mistakes and all, rather than not go after it and live with questions towards the end of their half-lived lives.
I guess personally, I've been in an unstable place where I've always known what I wanted to do but I always end up second guessing myself, prioritizing other people's opinions and interests before my own. It hasn't really been working well for me. I keep finding myself in the same place that I was in a couple of years back, and it's not pretty. I've been feeling less and less like me and I end up hating myself for not taking the chance early on and for listening to other people when I know in my heart that I should at least try. Being told I am being stubborn or unrealistic teaches me to question my dreams and it scares me that one day I'll end up regretting every decision and being part of the statistic of those who wished they lived the life they wanted, mistakes and all, rather than not go after it and live with questions towards the end of their half-lived lives.
And super sakto, I just opened Twitter to quote myself when I saw this tweet:
Dreams are unrealistic, impractical, demanding -- and absolutely essential to living a rich and fulfilling life.— Ralph Marston (@ralphmarston) April 9, 2016
So yes, I repeat, Oh oh, I want some more. Oh oh, what are you waiting for?

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