I am currently feeling like a flaming ball of inspiration and motivation. I wish I could say it's because of my positive socio-cultural effect on those around me, but it's actually a lot simpler and in a very micro level: I have been feeling good about myself. Sure, I reached the end of my rope just a few days ago, and yes, I was so pissed to the point that my emotions almost overtook logic.. but after silently consoling myself and forcing myself to breathe and carry on - I found out I was capable of so much more. Now isn't that a nice thought?
Being surrounded by direct and indirect encouragement (believe me, there's a lot that goes around in this world), I was able to streamline my thoughts and focus on hard hitting matters such as: what do I want out of life?, Am I in a position that aligns with that goal?, What am I doing about it? Add the Pope in the equation and you summon the bright eyed, optimistic, idealist I once was. And believe me, this girl is damn persistent and delivers really persuasive arguments. It was awfully nice to have her back. I don't think I'll let her go anytime soon.
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