There are infinite worlds out there, where anything that can happen does happen.
-The Beach

Here's a peek inside one of those worlds, the parallel universe where I ended up going to my love's rival, De La Salle. 

It's an interesting concept, that there is a world where all the choices we've foregone in this lifetime are all happening in. Imagine if you can undo all your regrets... but it comes with the price of undoing everything you've achieved. Would you?

My friend recently told me over lunch about how his cab driver used to be a workaholic moneymaking machine. Key words: used to be. His priorities in life changed when his wife died and he wasn't there. Now, he preaches that there should be a balance and that you should enjoy life outside work. It's good he was able to take something meaningful from the situation but man, death is such a high price for learning. Unfortunately, he isn't the only one sowing lessons thanks to the grim reaper. Upon death's beckoning, patients under nurse Bronnie Ware shared the regrets they had, and she noted the five most common ones here. As I read through the list, the Eleanor Roosevelt quote echoed in my head - learn from the mistakes of others. I thought to myself that when my time comes, I want to be able to look back, smile and be content. As such, I present to you my Quarterlife Note to Self aka my non-financial retirement plan:

1. Follow your dreams and create your life - not the one dictated to you.
2. Maintain not just your but your family's work-life balance.
3. Express your feelings, good or bad. Let it out. And when others do the same, listen.
4. Relationships require effort. Your effort. Choose the most meaningful ones and nurture it.
5. Life is a matter of perspective. Choose to focus on the positive. Choose to be happy.

There are infinite worlds out there, but we only get to live in this one. Make it count. You are in control of making your what is better than any of your what ifs.



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