another epic marenzo birthday

Last Saturday night, we celebrated the birthday of my good friends Marla and Renzo. Marla was my friend since highschool, and though I've known Renzo since highschool [they were already together back then] it was only in college that i got to hangout with him. They're two good people and I can't think of a couple more perfect than them. :] It was such a fun night wherein almost everyone was present [except for the other half of the other great couple, Francis haha]. I wore my newly bought black booties coz i wanted to break it in right away. I brought flipflops just in case it starts to rain but i ended up wearing it halfway through the evening. major no-no. but i love it how i can just throw on my flip-flops with these guys. photos up ahead!

black random brand vest, giraffe graphic top, diy denim cutoffs, red givenchy-esque random brand bag, black janylin suede booties, fcuk watch, rings
my darth vader ring and flower ring ♥

here's everyone :]

 the celebrants: marla and renzo

 i super love this girl to pieces ♥

 shot shot shot shot shot shot

 gabby after taking a sip of the drink he mixed: vodka + gravy

with ka-te

can't wait til the next time :)


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