I’M SITTING IN THE LIVING ROOM WITH A BAG OF CHEETOS BESIDE ME and I’m thinking to myself how pretty sweet life is. Mind you, today is a WEDNESDAY, meaning I woke up faced with the perennial debate of whether or not I should get out of bed at an ungodly hour and drive to work or go back to sleep and end up forking up ₱₱₱. The smarter option would be the former but I almost always end up going for the latter – and today was one of those low self-discipline mornings. It’s also busy at work with multiple concerts on top of our highly demanding export shipments that is building up to peak season – so yep, I am pretty much always in need of a caramel frap (it’s my tiramisu, hehe) and yet I can’t always indulge because of rent and other bills, so yeah. August is fun, capital F-U-nevermind. Hahaha Despite all of these though, I can’t deny how sweet life is nor how blessed I have been.

In the famous words of my mom, “pinili mo yan”, and indeed I have. I brought this stress onto myself and if I don’t take a step back every now and then to see the big picture, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that THIS IS WORTH IT. Every stress, anxiety, doubt, fear.. it is nothing compared to everything that I have gained and will still gain. Thus, in not so good times, it is always better to proclaim the positive – even if you don’t 100% feel it at the moment. And you hold on to that good feeling to fuel you through the rough patch. So for me, that means looking around this condo and appreciating that I am living in my favorite city, munching some more Cheetos (that my mom bought for me😭), typing up this blog (that I need want to update regularly) and basically, taking control of good vibes.

Here’s to always focusing on the bright side and to finding it no matter what.


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