This blog post you’re reading now would’ve been in a completely different mood if I had posted it first thing in the morning as I had originally intended to. I’m coding* during Wednesdays so I was already at the office by 7am; and this is what I came up with:

Hola, como estas? (she said, konnichiwa♬ nyaaaah, haha!) Happy Wednesday! I sound so chipper but in all honesty, I am tensed as hell. I am cutting it too close for my visasEfffff. I need to get them asap, man. But at least, the good news is I’m flying off soon! I can’t wait to explore some of my favorite cities and get to know them even better! Especially since I’ve noticed that it’s on my second visit that I get to fully appreciate a city. Will also be ticking some new places off, so that’s really exciting! And just so we can sustain the good vibes (come on Law of Attraction, lemme get my passport today!), it would be the perfect time to revive this blog’s section of What I’m Loving Now.

–> Seems okay? But later that morning, I was already at my wits’ end with unhelpful phone operators, PLDT screwing with our office email again, and I still haven’t heard from VFS. You know how it is when everything is just not working and your fairly easy regular task becomes such a chore?! THAT. The only upside was that the pancake that was wrongfully ordered from Jollibee was replaced with a pancake sandwich. I don’t know how our staff did it, but I’m glad I at least got to have that bright side! I had just messaged Luke confessing that I had been rather grouchy, when at 11:05, VFS finally sent a text that my passport is ready for collection. Hallelujah! The afternoon was then spent stuck in traffic, going from one Visa Application Center to another, and finally having lunch at 5:15pm.

So anyway, back to what I’m loving now:-

-I have recently been watching Master of None, and my current favorite episode is S01E06 – Nashville. Nashville date, Nashville date, Nashville date! It was like the ultimate TV date. So much better than Ted Mosby’s 2 minute date, haha! I mean, how fun is that?! And aww, Dev and Rachel. (No spoilers please!!!)

-Look at how clear my office table finally is!!! I wish this was like this everyday 😍

-Getting my passport!!! (Okay, this was my old passport, haha) I got a Circulation visa, baby! More trips to Europe?? But first, let me get my Japan visa 🙏

-Talking to Luke💖 This guy really calms me down, y’know?

-The solo careers of the 1D boys. I love that they have different styles and there’s like more music to enjoy now. Personally though, I am leaning towards Niall’s music

-This phone case I got from Luke and I’s recent trip to HKG. 😂 Matched my mood towards the latter part of the day.


*basically, the last digit of my plate number prohibits me from driving after 7am and before 8pm


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